Back to purchasing and no open days

Now that the corona rules have been relaxed and so much more is allowed, it is time for me to get out of my comfort zone.
Be cautious about purchasing for the first time. Stijn comes along, but we both drive in our own car, because he goes even further when I go home and because otherwise we wouldn't be able to keep the one and a half meter distance.
I don't go out completely relaxed. I think about the toilets I will undoubtedly have to use along the way. It is not always hygienic at the addresses I go to. That's normally a thing for me.
Because traders and antique dealers have not been able to buy much in the past period, the supply is not large. But I still think there are some beautiful items that you will find on my website in the coming weeks.
We arrive at a flea market. It is very small-scale and because everything looks well organized, we take the chance.
Of course I immediately check the situation with toilets here. There are two of those dixies. That in itself makes me shudder. But there is a toilet attendant with a large roll of paper and disinfectant. It reassures me that in the worst case scenario there is a solution for me.
Clear walking routes have been created here with arrows on the ground and long ribbons. There is a girl at the entrance who counts every visitor, so that there are not too many people on the square. A face mask is mandatory and if you do not have one yourself, you will be offered one by the organization.
We arrive 5 minutes before opening time and everyone waits neatly behind the ribbon, in a line at an appropriate distance. I feel quite safe here. Then the ribbon is moved aside and the perhaps inevitable happens...The visitors suddenly no longer keep their distance from each other, they seem to forget the walking route and distance. People are being pushed aside, people are crawling in front of them, walking against the direction, ribbons are being torn and trampled. It seems like I'm the only one having trouble with this. I'm the only one left standing, struggling with what to do. Stijn has already walked on and I decide to wait a little longer.
I look around at what's happening and I see the toilet attendant lighting a cigarette. A gentleman uses the toilet. After a while he comes out again. The toilet attendant continues smoking for a while and then goes to take a look in the toilet with the cigarette between her lips. She does not use a wipe or disinfectant. Apparently she is happy like this. She closes the door again and takes the cigarette between her thumb and index finger. Meanwhile, Stijn is back again. We decide to only visit our regular addresses.
Now I have seen once again how difficult it is in practice to keep the distance. For that reason, my Summer open days on July 4 and 5 will certainly not take place, because those one and a half meters are impossible in our house and in my shop.
When the children and grandchildren come home to eat fries, that goes well... at a distance and with a fresh toilet and lots of disinfectant

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