Something other than flea market

It may seem unthinkable, but sometimes I want to do without flea market for a while. Not because I'm tired of it, but something different, without purchasing, without orders and emails.
And then it is wonderful to stay in the South Eifel. Hardly any flea market, lots of nature, good food and a delicious glass of wine. We had been here not so long ago, but now we are going back again.

The weather is good, at 26 degrees it is wonderful to sit on a terrace in the middle of the vineyards, close to our apartment, so an extra glass of wine can't hurt. We usually go to Italy during this period, but because of the corona that is not possible this year. And here with this beautiful weather I don't miss Italy at all.
Before we went on holiday, I saw Femme beautifully painting and coloring stones in all kinds of shapes. She said that she did not just do this, but that they were boulders. She showed me the back of a stone. It said 'Facebook' and 'Kei Cool'. I had never heard of it. It apparently arose during the corona period. You decorate a stone beautifully and place it somewhere, with the intention of putting a smile on the face of someone who finds it. The person who found it can decide whether to keep the stone or place it somewhere else. Femme chooses a beautifully painted stone for me and I promise her that I will place it somewhere in the South Eifel in the hope that someone there will post the find on the FB page Kei Tof.
In the meantime, I have been touched by the event and I suddenly feel like decorating a stone too.
On holiday I look for a few stones during our walks. Even when I'm on holiday, I'm often still busy with my website and orders. Not this time. I paint stones. It may sound childish, but it clears your head so beautifully.
I don't have the space to put a lot of time into it. Of course I didn't go on holiday just to paint stones. I haven't found a decorated stone anywhere yet. I secretly look around me and on the ground more than usual. Who knows, especially now in the fall when we go for a walk, I really like a stone like that... ????
Something positive that arose during the corona period.
I'm definitely going to paint a few more, but first I'm going to put these down somewhere with the grandchildren.
In the meantime I have already returned from holiday. The stones haven't been placed anywhere yet, but they will.

After taking a break from the flea market for a while, I am now really looking forward to the upcoming Christmas online open days. I'm busy working on it. From tomorrow afternoon you can order Christmas items again under the heading 'Christmas' on my website. And if I want to do something different, I'll paint Christmas stones...

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